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10 Vitamins That Help With Acne


Although I've recently resorted to spironolactone to help control my hormonal acne, there were many, many vitamins and mineral supplements that I tried to help keep breakouts at bay and control oil production. Some were definitely helpful, while others were just truly, truly disastrous-in a word: you, vitamin B12.

Unfortunately for me, taking certain kinds of vitamins-and following a personalized skincare routine-wasn't enough to completely control my hormonal breakouts. But just because they didn't work for me doesn't mean they won't work for you. I think it is always a good idea to try and control your acne naturally before reaching for the modern medicine-spironolactone, hormonal birth control, or Accutane. The one thing I have really learned through this job as a beauty editor, over the last 8+, is that everyone's body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. What did not work for one person can actually be another's missing piece.

Below, I included 10 vitamins and dietary supplements that have helped me on my hormonal acne journey. Some worked a little better than others, and some I still take every day.

Disclaimer: The content provided on The Daley Dose is for educational use only. I am not a doctor, and I am not qualified to give medical advice. Please speak with your doctor before taking any medications, vitamins, or supplements.

10 Vitamins That Help With Acne

Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula

You've probably seen me write about this supplement before, and for good reason-it really works. But how does a pooping pill help with the development of acne, you ask? Well, there's more and more studies being published about how poor gut health can play a role in your skin. Constipation allows a build-up of all of those extra hormones in your body, which can really throw off your hormonal cycle and mess with the health of your skin. These oral supplements alleviate constipation. I probably wouldn't take them every day, but I like to take them if I'm traveling or feeling extra needy.

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There are some people that mentioned improvement in acne after being administered with zinc supplementation. Furthermore, there have been some investigations regarding the effects of zinc supplementation in the treatment of acne in men and women, which may eventually lead to clearer skin.

I'll be the first to admit that I didn't really feel a difference in my skin after taking zinc supplements. But boy, do I notice a huge difference in the redness of my acne vulgaris and rosacea when I apply zinc-based skincare products onto my face. There's just something so incredibly soothing about zinc. It is anti-inflammatory, after all. For this reason, it may help decrease inflammation taken internally, orally. 

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Bellway Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement Powder

I take this powder every morning to help me go to the loo. As I mentioned above, digestive issues have been linked with acne problems. This powder is doing a great job of keeping me regular. They come in various flavors and one container will last you almost two months.

When drinking this powder, it is best to mix it up and then promptly drink it before it attains the peculiar thickness of paste. I like to use a handheld milk frother to mix up the powder in water. 

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Thorne DIM Advantage

This is literally the one supplement I've taken that I have seen an actual difference in my acne. DIM really, really cleared up my acne, but I also continued to run into an issue with it every time I took it: I woke up with a massive headache every morning. It's such a bummer because I know this stuff works absolute wonders for hormonal acne, but I just couldn't get past the daily headaches. I tried to take as little as possible, take one every other day, and even tried splitting the supplements in half to see if this would help. Nothing but Advil cured the headaches. For me, personally, side effects were too much! That said, I really do think that DIM is worth a shot, to see whether you get headaches or not. If not, this would be an amazing natural treatment option for hormonal acne. I can absolutely see this working to deliver healthy skin for someone without the headaches. 

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Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Complete

I'll be the first to admit it: I'm really, really bad about taking my probiotics daily. Like, really bad. So, I don't have much to say about them helping my skin or not. That being said, the medical world is rife with studies about gut health, skin conditions, and probiotics. You should probably take a probiotic-even if you aren't dealing with skin issues!

I only used to buy probiotics that were refrigerated because I felt like they worked better. The Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Complete are refrigerated. Nowadays, I think the companies that make probiotics are just so advanced that they really don't need to be refrigerated anymore.

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Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium Citrate Supplement

I take this in hot water almost every night, and it does wonders in calming my system down. It gets me geared up for sleep. Now, the reason I added Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium Citrate Supplement to this list of acne-fighting supplements is that when you don't get enough sleep, it will play a huge role in the hormonal balance of your body. And as we know, hormonal imbalances in the body could result in hormonal acne.

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Gaia Herbs Ashwagandha Root

Another factor that affects acne? Stress levels. The more stressed you are, the crazier your hormones become, and the more your skin will talk back. Ashwagandha has been a great supplement for me in calming my anxiety. Literally, almost every time I take this supplement, I feel sleepy, which I think is pretty strong. Due to this particular reason, I like taking it at night time when I am very close to going to bed.

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Nature Made Fish Oil

You probably have heard that a high dose of fish oil is good for your heart, but it also works miracles regarding skin care, which includes acne. Of course, there aren't many studies to justify this fact, but we do know that fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it should go without saying that it would reduce the size and appearance of certain pimples in the first place. Also, omega-3s can regulate body oil, which helps to reduce acne as well.

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Bronson Vitamin A 

If you want to fight free radicals, then vitamin A is your best buddy. Otherwise known as retinol, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a major role in your vision, your immune system, and the reproduction of your skin cells. While you may want to use vitamin A as a topical treatment, you can also take it as one of many supplements that help with acne.

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